Australia and Oceania Language, Religion, and Culture


Australia & Oceania are without doubt one of the most diverse and fascinating areas on the planet. Having hundreds of native languages throughout the islands.Some main languages are Melanesian pidgin, Melanesian-Polynesian Languages, English, French. In Australia the main language they speak is English. . Religion

Australia has no single established religion, its constitution guarantees freedom of worship (religion), much like the United States. Most of the population is predominantly Christian. 29% Roman Catholic Church,22% are apart of the Anglican Church of Australia. Another 29% belongs to other Christian religions, such as the Protestant Church (14%), the Uniting Church with the merging of the Methodists, Presbyterians, and Congregationalists, the Baptist Union, the Lutheran Church of Australia, the Church of Christ, and the Greek Orthodox Church. Jewish, Buddhist, and Muslim worshipers make up a small portion of the population. The number of Buddhists and Muslims is increasing, and a significant share of Australia’s population say they are nonreligious.

Cultural Traits

The Aboriginal inhabitants follow their own religions involving beliefs in spirits behind the forces of nature, and the influence of ancestral spirits. Two aspects that mend together in this region is religion and culture.


Politics in Australia range between the federal constitution parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy.  Australia and Oceania’s indigenous groups have fought to extend their political rights and cultural significance in their home countries, but are viewed as minorities. Although New Caledonia remains under French possession, Melanesian countries won independence and are now governed by indigenous elites.

Gender Roles

Most Australian men grow up in an environment where men are encouraged to be anti-feminist and display very masculine traits.This include being the family breadwinner, being aggressive, and straightforward and also being physically fit and highly intelligent. For modern day women, their roles have changed, they now are well educated and maintain a career and a family. For Aboriginal Australians they are strongly male dominated.

Ecological Issues

Some mainstream ecological issues Australia has, and has had is water shortage, Most rivers in southern Australia are suffering from decades of over-extraction for irrigation,” says Dr Linda Selvey, Greenpeace Australia Pacific CEO. For being the driest continent, it’s hardly a surprise.

White, Sue. “Our Top 10 Environmental Problems.” – Features – ABC Environment (Australian Broadcasting Corporation). 8 Dec. 2009. Web. 3 May 2015.

Current Event

Currently Australia is going through tragic deaths due to flooding in Queensland. “the deaths of five people, including a five-year-old boy, have served as a tragic reminder of the danger of crossing flooded roads as Queensland was battered by storms.”  A 74-year old man, 39 year-old woman and five year-old boy, where three of the victims who drowned attempting to cross Beerburrum Road at Caboolture, which had been covered by the King John Creek. Two other victims bodies were found downstream hours later a 45 year old father and a 75 year old husband. Four people died after these two cars were washed from the road in Caboolture yesterday. (9NEWS)

McKinnell, Jamie. “Queensland Deluge Claims Five Lives.” The Australian News, 2 May 2015. Web. 3 May 2015.

“Official and Spoken Languages of Australia and the Pacifics.” Official and National Languages of Australia/Oceania and the Pacifics by Countries. One World Nations Online. Web. 30 Apr. 2015.

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